5 Health Problems That Can Affect You At A Younger Age

Most people think that health problems like strokes and colon cancers won’t affect us until we’re much older. However, new research suggests otherwise. According to recent studies, some of the disorders that we associate with older age are now affecting younger adults. Millennial women are now suffering from diseases even before they get to approach insurance companies to shop for health insurance plans.

What you do while in your 20s and 30s also affects the development of some health disorders. The lifestyle that we’ve developed that is lacking in physical activity has resulted in the rise of risk factors such as high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure in younger adults. These risk factors remain preventable. If women start making lifestyle changes while they’re young, they have a higher chance of avoiding these health problems.

Here are five health problems and what you need to know to protect yourself from them:


When you have high blood pressure, it means that your blood is going through your veins more forcefully. This can damage your heart, your blood vessels, your kidneys, your brain, and your other organs. All this can be happening within your body without any symptoms manifesting, making high blood pressure a silent killer.

Recent statistics report that seven percent of women between 20 and 34 years old have high blood pressure. This may seem low, but this also means that these younger women are less expectant of the health problem. They become less likely to get a checkup, be diagnosed, and get treatment. Awareness is key. If women remain unaware of these risks, they may develop other diseases like stroke later in life.

Pregnancy is a good way to become aware if you have any risks. Developing complications during pregnancy is a good sign of health issues that may develop later in life.


Strokes still occur mainly to older people. However, there has been a spike in the occurrence of strokes among younger women. Women ages 18 to 34 may be less likely to suffer from a stroke, but it can be more fatal for them.

What is the cause of this sudden increase? High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, and smoking — these are risk factors that have doubled among younger women. Pregnancy or taking birth control pills also slightly increases your chance of having a stroke.


Millions of women in the United States could be suffering from diabetes and not even know about it. The increasing rates of obesity is linked to the increasing rates of diabetes. These associated disorders both have something to do with how people live these days, especially the younger generations. The high-calorie, sugar-rich diet coupled with too much time sitting, puts us at risk to these health problems at a younger age.


There has also been an increase in colon and rectal cancer among millennial women. Age is the only significant risk factor for the development of colon and rectal cancer. At least, that’s what oncologists used to believe. The growing cases of colorectal cancer among a younger population remains to be unexplainable.

It may still be unexplainable, but it is definitely possible. So if you see blood in your stool or if you’re experiencing other symptoms of colon and rectal cancer, talk to your doctor and get yourself checked.


Brain shrinkage is not as scary as it sounds. It’s actually a normal part of our aging process. However, certain factors are associated with a decrease in brain volume. These factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and smoking. If you have any of these conditions, your brain could shrink faster, which can affect your mental capacity.

Living a lifestyle that takes care of your heart while you’re still in your 20s can protect your brain from shrinking later in your life. The decisions you make now not only affect your present state but also how you will be in the future. Choose to live healthier today and make an investment in your future wellbeing.


Take action now to improve your present condition and prepare yourself for the future. Eat a healthy diet and control your daily calorie intake. Avoid too much sugar. Engage in physical activities. Be aware of your blood pressure. Quit smoking. These are simple choices that will make a big difference down the road.

Also, start thinking about investment planning and money management at a younger age. This will give you better peace of mind, which will also contribute to your overall health.

Based on Materials from Hopkins Medicine
Photo Sources: Hamlinkight, Mental Floss, Radiology Affiliates
