Various Mental Conditions

This information page will help you learn more about mental health problems. This can be helpful to you if you have been diagnosed with a mental health issue, if you know someone who might be suffering from mental health problems, or if you just want to increase your awareness about mental health.


We’ve all felt angry before; anger is a normal, usually healthy emotion. It is characterized by hostility or opposition towards something or someone, including yourself, when you agonize over personal problems such as a falling off money management. The emotional state of anger ranges from mere annoyance to intense rage. Like all mental health problems, anger only becomes a problem when it becomes uncontrollable and presents harm to you or the people around you.


Anxiety refers to feelings of worry or fear about possible future events. It is a natural human response to a threat that is important for survival. However, when these feelings are out of proportion to a certain degree that it starts affecting your everyday life, you might be suffering from a mental health problem.


Bipolar disorder is a mental health problem that mainly affects your emotions or mood. People with bipolar disorder experience manic episodes, during which they experience unhealthy levels of excitement and energy. This high mood can lead to reckless activities like spending sprees. Such behavior can reflect poorly on your credit score, causing additional problems. Depressive episodes may also be present, which is often described as feeling low. During depressive episodes, there is a marked inability to attend to necessary day-to-day tasks such as paying for gas or electricity bills.


Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is one of the anxiety disorders. It is characterized by obsessive worries related to body image. You might be diagnosed with BDD if you experience negative thoughts about perceived flaws in your physical appearance. These thoughts often develop into compulsive behaviors to deal with how you feel about your own body.


A borderline personality disorder is a mental health disorder that affects the way you think and feels about yourself and others. It includes difficulty managing emotions and behavior, frequent mood swings, intense fear that people will abandon you, and low self-esteem. Because BPD is a personality disorder, you must have experienced these symptoms for a long time before a diagnosis can be made. 


Depression is a mood disorder that causes feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and loss of pleasure. With depression, these feelings are persistent. They don’t go away after a couple of weeks, or they come back over and over again. These feelings affect your ability to lead a normal life, and sometimes you may even feel that life is worthless.

There is a strong link between depression and poverty. Your financial situation — which includes your credit score and how close you are to filing for bankruptcy — affects your ability to manage depression and respond to counseling.


Dissociation refers to the separation of normally related mental processes. It results in you feeling disconnected from yourself and the world around you. It is the mind’s response to stress or traumatic events. If you experience dissociation for a long time, you may be suffering from dissociative disorders.


The use of recreational drugs and alcohol affects your mental health. These substances affect your emotions, mood, and behavior. For some people, taking drugs can lead to long-term mental health problems. Drug and alcohol use, and the more severe forms of drug addiction and alcoholism, also affects a person’s finances. A person’s financial situation is established to be related to a person’s mental health. The financial problems caused by drug and alcohol use include out-of-pocket medical expenses and deductibles for health insurance coverage. This condition also results in a loss of productivity at work.


An eating disorder refers to significant difficulty with your relationship with food. Eating food, which is a necessity to live, becomes a problem when it feels like it’s taking over your life.


People have different experiences of hearing voices. Sometimes the voice is in your head. Sometimes it feels as if the voice is coming from the outside and is perceived just like other sounds. There are several reasons why you might be hearing voices. It can be the result of trauma or a symptom of some other mental health problems.


Hoarding is a behavioral pattern of acquiring or saving large quantities of objects regardless of value. If you hoard, you would also have a strong unwillingness to discard the acquired objects. This disorder causes significant distress and impairment. This mental health problem complicates a person’s housing conditions. Insurance companies quickly drop people with the condition and cancel their home insurance policies.


Hypomania and mania are mood states of abnormal energy level, activity, and excitement. If you suffer from mania or the milder form of hypomania, your behavior is noticeably different from your typical behavior. It is also characterized by increased irritability and aggression.


Everyone has felt lonely at some point in their lives. Loneliness is not the same as being alone. Some people choose to be alone and live happily without feeling lonely. Some people suffer from loneliness even when many people surround them. Feeling lonely, on its own, is not a mental health problem. But, it can be when your lack of rewarding social experiences disables you from doing daily activities.


Obsessions and compulsions are the two main parts of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Obsessions refer to persistent and unwelcome thoughts, images, worries, or doubts. Compulsions are repetitive activities or routines that you do as a reaction to your obsessions. Those who suffer from this condition will have difficulty controlling either the repetitive thoughts or activities for more than a short amount of time. They are also more likely to have serious money issues. People with OCD are particularly prone to problem debt, which is when someone becomes unable to pay their debts or other household bills for water, gas, or electricity.


A panic attack happens when the body overreacts to danger, stress, or excitement. It is a fear response that may include palpitations, sweating, shaking, and difficulty breathing.


Paranoia is a condition characterized by thoughts and feelings of threat towards oneself. Believing that other people are out to hurt and harm them, people with paranoia can go to great lengths to stay safe, sometimes employing excessive home security systems. Because of this, there is a struggle to function normally. People with paranoia fear a host of different kinds of threats. Paranoia may be part of a personality disorder, an effect of drug abuse, or an aspect of a severe condition like schizophrenia.


Personality disorders are a class of mental disorders where patterns of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors cause significant distress or disability. Personality is the word we use to refer to these patterns, and it’s what differentiates each of us as individuals. If you have a personality disorder, you have a personality that deviates significantly from the norms accepted by your culture. This deviation is further characterized by your inability to make investments in lasting and meaningful relationships.


A phobia is an extreme fear or anxiety triggered by a particular object or situation. This results in an abnormal aversion to these triggers and other disabling reactions.


Women experience a wide range of emotions during pregnancy or in the years after giving birth as a reaction to having a baby. However, when these emotions and reactions start to have a significant impact on how you live your life, you might be experiencing perinatal or postnatal mental health problems.


Post-traumatic stress disorder is another type of anxiety disorder that is triggered by being involved in or witnessing a terrifying and traumatic event. The diagnosis is given when people continue to experience a reaction towards the trauma long after the event.


The premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a severe and disabling form of premenstrual syndrome. This disorder consists of a variety of emotional and physical symptoms that recur monthly during the week or two before you start your period.


Psychosis is a severe mental health problem characterized by an abnormal perception and interpretation of external reality. This means that you experience reality in a very different way from the people around you. People with psychosis experience hallucinations, delusions, and sometimes disorganized speech. This is usually the diagnosis of those accused individuals being defended by a lawyer before the court who has done unintended crimes.


Schizoaffective disorder is a condition that affects both thought processes and mood. A diagnosis is made when symptoms of both schizophrenia and mood disorders are present together.


Schizophrenia is a long-term mental health problem that involves withdrawal from reality, faulty perception, and inappropriate actions and feelings. You could be diagnosed with schizophrenia if you experience hallucinations and delusions, among other symptoms.


The seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that occurs at a particular time or season of the year. The symptoms of most people with SAD start in the fall and continue into the winter months. As the seasons change, people with this condition become moodier, feel depressed, and lose interest in activities that were once enjoyable.


Self-esteem refers to how we see and value ourselves. Our opinions and beliefs about ourselves affect so many other aspects of our lives. People with low self-esteem can have difficulties making decisions and asserting themselves. It is also difficult for people with low self-esteem to show compassion and kindness to themselves when they make mistakes.


Self-harm is the act of hurting yourself as a way of dealing with distress such as unmanaged loans. Some people harm themselves as a way to express something that is difficult to express in other ways. For some, self-harm may give them a feeling of release, but the underlying causes of your distress remain.


Sleep is essential for good health. If the quality of your sleep is significantly affecting your daily life, you probably have a sleep problem. It is important to learn how to cope with sleeping problems because poor sleep leads to poor physical and mental health. For example, employees with student loan debt report experiencing stress and poor sleep. This further affects their productivity in the workplace. Poor sleep quality is also associated with other mental issues. In what is a vicious cycle, living with a mental health problem will then further affect how you sleep.

Establishing a sleep routine will improve the quality of your sleep. Engage in relaxation or meditative activities. Do breathing exercises. The routine will also help the body prepare itself, so it is important to stick with these activities. Tip: If you are a worrier, you can get a good sleep at night if you install home security systems.


Stress can refer to the situations, events, or people that make us feel pressured or limited in our control. Stress can also refer to our reaction towards those situations, occurrences, or people. Being stressed or under pressure is a normal part of life. We all have responsibilities like paying off mortgages and loans that stress us out a bit. These things are important to help us grow and develop. However, overwhelming stress can affect our mental health. It’s also possible that existing mental health problems can cause stress or affect our ability to manage stress.

Coping with stress will involve developing an ability to manage external forces, so you don’t find yourself in stressful situations again and again. You can also promote better resilience so that when you find yourself in situations that might put you under pressure, you don’t feel so stressed.


Suicide is the intentional act of killing yourself. Suicidal behavior ranges from having thoughts about ending your life to feeling that people’s life will be better off without you to making concrete and detailed plans on how to take your own life. Depression or other mental illnesses are often the cause of suicide and suicidal feelings.

You may be in so much sorrow and pain at the moment that you believe there is absolutely no way you will be happy again. Remember that these thoughts and feelings will pass. Every person’s experience of suicidal feelings is different, so it is important to know which coping strategy works for you.

Keep yourself safe and remove anything that you can use to harm yourself. Tell someone about how you are feeling. Distract yourself, take online classes for new learnings, and find reasons to live, even though that may seem very difficult at the moment.


Tardive refers to something that appears late. Dyskinesia refers to an abnormality of voluntary movements. Tardive dyskinesia is a disorder that results in involuntary, repetitive facial, and body movements. It occurs in some people as a side effect of using antipsychotic drugs. Tardive dyskinesia affects a person’s ability to function normally in day-to-day activities. The only insurance to cope with tardive dyskinesia is by taking care of your physical health. Look after your sleep, your diet, and your physical activity.

Based on Mind

Photo Sources:, Verywellmind, Pexels, Shutterstuck, and Nypost
